This article about the SKUNK train is from 1955. As I usually do, I did a little research to find it is still in operation today!
Here is a link to their site:
And I'll stay in California aboard trains for this post. Here's another little tidbit from 1955:

Although I love technology and the way things are easier for us today, I still can't help but miss the days when kids could ride bikes all day throughout the neighborhoods and you didn't have to worry about abductions and human trafficing.
And with washing machines, dryers, hair dryers, microwaves, and cell would think we would have MORE time. But it seems like we are in a hurry and don't have enough time more than ever.
I can remember friends and relatives enjoying each others' company over coffee or a card game. Seems there just isn't enough time these days. Where has our time gone? What are we doing?
And one last thing I miss........FILLIN' STATIONS. Oh, how I wish on those cold or rainy days that there was a smiling young man (or woman these days) to fill my tank, check my tire pressure and oil, and wash my windshields. But's my job now. Perhaps that's where some of my time is going?