Tuesday, June 5, 2018


 This is the fun part of being a 'collector'.

I have spent years rescuing a variety of items that others consider junk or trash.  Doing the research on these artifacts is so much fun.

It often provides fun and interesting history.

I just wanted to share something I found when digging around in some papers I acquired many years ago at an estate sale, then stashed away.

There were a little stack of postmarked envelopes, most postmarked from North Carolina.  There was one in particular that caught my attention.  I travel quite a bit on weekends for leisure and I'm fairly familiar with even the small towns in my state.  This little town represented on the postmark was totally unfamiliar to me.

So, off to google it.  What I found was a little town that ceased to be in the mid 1960s.

I found this cool website that has information about this little township as well as a visitor register where people are sharing memories of this town.  Here is a link to the site:


Something else I found amusing was the 'return address'.  It simply reads that if the addressee doesn't claim within 5 days, return to sender.  Also, take note that there is nothing more than the name, city, and state.  Wow.  Can you imagine how small the area must have been?

I know this is a short post, but thought it was worth sharing.