Friday, November 11, 2022

1945 FREE crochet HAT pattern


This is from a 1945 crochet book.

I hope if you enjoy this free pattern, I would be extremely grateful if you'd visit my book site and purchase the entire book with all the patterns!

Price: Cheap 



The time it takes to scan, format, and download the entire book is crazy.  I hope enough people will find it worthwhile to work on some awesome vintage projects!

If you don't want to be "cookie cutter"...making all the ordinary things that you see online...take a leap and create some of these 1940s patterns!

I would LOVE to see a completed project!

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

1950 Crochet Pattern ~ Free

 Free always seems to capture interest.

I am passionate about sharing history.  Needlework was such an important part of daily life in the past. The patience, time, and talent it took to create some of the beautiful works of art continue to astonish me. 

The time it takes to scan these books, newspapers, magazines, and other historic although I'm sharing one pattern here, I'm hopeful that you will consider purchasing the entire book.  

I work full time in a manufacturing facility, so I'm sure many of you can appreciate the love and sincere desire to not only preserve the history, but also encourage people to incorporate small pieces of history into their modern lives.

Here is a link to the ENTIRE book with many patterns!

And the price is right! Cheap.  Any purchase helps me continue scanning.  THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

Click this link that will open a new window and will take you to the 15 page pattern book.

1950 Furniture Topper Crochet Patterns